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How to SSH to your Laravel Forge server

How to SSH to your Laravel Forge server

After you have provisioned your Forge serve, you can SSH into it with username and password.

But, there is a way.

Generate key

You can add public key and connect via private key.

To generate a new key, issue the following command on your terminal:

ssh-keygen -t rsa -C ""

To generate a key on Windows, you should install Git and generate the SSH key from the “Git Bash” terminal.

You will be asked few question in the process.

After that you will get 2 file.

the one ending in .pub is the public key. The other one is the private key

Connecting to Forge

First you will need to add the public key in Forge, in server SSH keys.

Then you need to connect via SSH.

We use Termius.

Enter the server IP address

Create new host, and for key, enter the content of the private key.

Enter a passphrase if you have set one.

For username use forge.

Try to connect now.

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